I am just writing to see if it will make me feel any better. I just got home from a funeral. You see a women Vanessa died last week. She wasn’t a close friend of mine, though she was of my sisters. I had been out with her a few times before she became ill a few years ago with Scleroderma, in the past several years I’ve seen her when she came in for massages. She was very sweet, and determined to beat her disease. I liked her. When I heard that she died last week I was sad and cried.
Today at the funeral, I couldn’t believe the stories people told, actually it was the introductions that were unbelievable. This is so and so whose known Vanessa since preschool, this is Vanessa’s high English teacher, this is Vanessa’s camp councilor, and the list went on and on. It’s like everyone that ever met this girl loved her. My sister says she was just one of those people you keep in touch with.
All of the speakers had nice stories to tell but I really liked what one of her childhood friends said, about how Vanessa loved life, she was full of energy and was never fearful. She finished with how she would be driving faster. Now I’m not saying we should all start driving recklessly. But let’s all go dancing, laugh too loud, have adventures. Vanessa did and made the most of her 35 years. I wish I had done more with her, she sounds like a heck of a girl.
I don’t really feel better but I do have a plan. Thank you Vanessa
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