The wonderful people at Overture Films were kind enough to let me into a press preview screening of the new George Clooney film, The Men Who Stare at Goats. The title is kind of a mouth full, but I guess Return of the Jedi was taken. That will make sense when you see how often they call themselves Jedi in the movie. It opens nationwide November 6th, and I highly recommend you go see it at your earliest convenience.
The Chemistry between George Clooney and Ewan McGregor is great, Brad Pitt better watch his back or he might go the way of Mark Wahlberg.
The story is far fetched but based on a true story and as the opening of the film says, more of this is true than you would believe(or something like that, it's dark in theatres and hard to take notes).
The cast is stellar there's George and Ewan, but there are also Jeff Bridges (AKA the Dude) and Kevin Spacey. Seriously, people you can't go wrong here. It's my personal favorite, bizarre and funny, bizarrely funny, or funnily bizarre, anyway you cut it, it's a good time.
P.S. this is my pervy Clooney stalker comment. There is some of the film set in the past and Clooney wears this long haired wig(not like his real 80's long hair, on Roseanne) and he looks super hot.I know, I know he's always hot. I just had to get that off my chest...
Wow, that's so a George Clooney movie.
gotta see it! Sounds too bizarre not to be good.
So glad to know you liked this! My husband and I have been intrigued by the trailers, and really hoped it would be worth seeing - I feel better now that it will be.
Can't go wrong with Clooney, that's what I always say.
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