This sounds like a really fun event. Two Bob Newhart films, Cold Turkey and Hot Millions with an interview with Bob Newhart in between. I haven't seen either of these films but Cold Turkey sound pretty funny. If you can just remember back to a time when almost everyone smoked, instead of now when almost no one does.
Here's the synopsis' and clips for both films from the Aero facebook fan page. You really should join it if you haven't already.
COLD TURKEY, 1971, MGM Repertory, 99 min. Norman Lear directed this comedy about an ad exec (Bob Newhart) who launches an unusual publicity stunt for big tobacco: A cigarette company will give a cash prize to any town in America that can quit smoking. When it looks like one town will actually pull it off (led by minister Dick Van Dyke), the ad man stops at nothing in his hilarious attempts to get someone -anyone - to light up.
HOT MILLIONS, 1968, Warner Bros., 106 min. Dir. Eric Till. When con artist Marcus Pendleton (Peter Ustinov) gets out of prison, he assumes the identity of a computer programmer and uses his new role as a way of embezzling cash. His only problem is figuring out how to hide it. Bob Newhart plays a paranoid assistant at the corporation Pendleton is fleecing.
You can get advanced tickets here
This is apparently very rare footage of The Beatles Apple store in London. I can't believe they had a store, it seems so materialistic.
OMG, I love Bob Newhart. Seriously.
I saw Cold Turkey YEARS ago -- there's this hilarious thing running through it where they try to distract themselves from smoking by having sex -- and the Dick Van Dyke character makes his wife crazy by coming home for sex all the time. Funny!
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