The people at 20th Century Fox sent me a copy of their new DVD release Amelia last week. Which worked out really well, because I've had a really nasty cold and it was nice to lie in bed and watch a good movie.
I really enjoyed the film, as well as the bonus features. My favorite bonus feature was definitely the original news reel footage of Amelia. There were also quite a few deleted scenes, which were interesting to get a little more of the backstory.
On a personal note. My grandmother once worked as a secretary for an evening at the Ambassador Hotel for Amelia, her husband, and a friend of theirs in the late 20's. She had nothing but glowing things to say about Amelia, maybe because they were both from Kansas, or maybe because Amelia paid her $20 buck and cab fare. Either way she loved Amelia.
20th Century Fox has also offered to give 3 copies of the film to my readers so if you would like one please leave a comment, make sure to leave contact info. (if you have a blogger acct and are set on private, leave an email). Entrants must be in the contiguous US.
I'll announce winners on Tuesday. Good Luck!
THE WINNERS!!!!!!!!!!
Krista, Amy, and Mami2jcn
Thanks for playing peeps. Don't be sad if you didn't win I've got a great DVD giveaway coming later today.
I admired Amelia Earhart as a kid because she was an independent women. I'm looking forward to seeing the movie. kimstoys at gmail dot com
Saw this in the theater and would love to own it. Amelia was a great feminist icon. Thanks.
happiekarma7 at yahoo dot com
One of my favorite historical figures! Count me in-
I meant to see the movie in the Theaters and never got the chance. I love Hillary Swank and I love movies about historical figures. My email is jwag57 at gmail.com
I really wanted to see this movie, but my hubby didn't, so I would love to win! I also think my oldest daughter might like to see some of it. She is very interested in Amelia Earhart.
This would be a great movie to cuddle up to and watch!
Hope you're feeling better! I would love to see the movie so many have recommended.
I hope it's not too late to enter! I think Hilary Swank is an incredible actress, and Richard Gere is no slouch either.
mami2jcn at gmail dot com
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