I had a great time last night seeing A Single Man at The Aero in Santa Monica. It really is a fantastic film. Afterward Colin Firth did a Q&A with the somewhat creepy Pete Hammond (that's another story).
Colin was very charming and funny in his very English way. He scandalized the audience by saying he had no great feeling for his portrayal of Mr. Darcy, which I will admit I have never seen. But I do have a general love for all portrayals of Mr. Darcy, he's just a dreamy character.
He talked about another film I've not seen being his breakout in the 80's. The film was called Tumble Down and was about a Falkland Island vet. He said it caused quite a stir in England for it's disdain for their treatment English veterans.
He was very funny talking about how it felt to be nominated for an Oscar saying he was numb, but he was certain he was ecstatic, and he'd let us know in 6 months.
He said the part in A Single Man has really stuck with him, and he still hasn't been able to completely shake it.
Finally, he talked about his up coming film King Speech about George VI. Which co-star Helena Bonham Carter and Geoffrey Rush. Which also looks fascinating.
You really must see Tumbledown if you are a Colin fan, it is absolutely phenominal!
I know he hates it, but he's just so wonderful in Pride and Prejudice. It's the quintessential Colin movie.
I think it's actually rather cute the way he always fights his Mr. Darcy roots - and I actually think that's why he's still considered hot by many women even though he's older now (something about not wanting to be a sex symbol is really sexy). I don't think he's going to get rid of his image even with an Oscar though...I'm only 20 and many of my friends my age love him for his Mr. Darcy so he's got a whole new generation coming at him still harping on Pride and Prejudice.
I was there too and he came off to me just as I expected and hoped; he was witty and grounded. He's got that unusual sexy average guy thing going on.
Thanks for all the love from the Firth sites, Firth Sisters, Firth List, and all the others. I had no idea you all were out there. Who better to have a fan club for than Colin Firth.
Thanks for yooour comments.
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