My Cousin's wife Leigh Ann recently posted to facebook that she is riding in a bike race to benefit The National MS Society. So I asked her to send me a note, so I could post all the details here.
I just want to spread the word if any of you feel compelled to donate.
Here's her note:
I ride the BP MS 150 from Houston to Austin every April. This will be my 8th time to participate in the fundraising (7th to ride because one year I broke my arm in March ice skating with Anna). Anyway, I started doing it after Ellen was born for the challenge and because my college roommate had been diagnosed with MS a couple of years prior. I have a lot of fun preparing for and completing the ride. Each year is different somehow. Like last year, we had torrential rains that caused the first day to be canceled (1st time in 25 years!). The year before that, the wind was blowing so hard in our faces that I had to do a huge amount of self-talk just to finish. It took an extra 3 hours on the bike that year. We are due some happy riding weather this year . . .
To Donate:
www.nationalmssociety.org then choose Bike MS, then Bike MS: BP MS 150
or for my personal page click here.
Thanks for helping me!
Leigh Ann
お友達な状態です!!楽しいメールしたいので、はるによっかたらメールしてください♪ lovuv-555@docomo.ne.jp
天皇賞 春 2010 予想、オッズ、厳選買い目は?この時期のメインイベントの一つのレースがやってきた!!今年の狙うべきポイントは
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