Sunday, October 3, 2010

Mad Men Episode 11 Season 4

Mad Men Episode 11 Season 4 The Chinese Wall
Wow, Roger is getting what he did to Mona last season. He was faithful and loyal to Lucky Strike for 25 years and they're dumping him. Not only Lucky Strike, but it looks like Joan is cutting him off too. At least Jane still dotes on him. Did anyone else think Sterling's Gold was a bit thin?
I'm just waiting for Don to say "I always depend on the kindness of strangers" Ok maybe their not all stranges, but the girls really take care of this guy. Megan seriously went above and beyond for him this episode. Do you think Joan gave her the same talk she gave Peggy? (Am I the only one who think Megan is a dead ringer for Gene Tierney). I can't believe Faye risked her practice to get him a meeting with Heinz. He better be good to her. Megan made it sound like she was fine with nothing coming out of their laisson, hope she holds to that.
So happy for Peggy. Abe is totally hot and adorable. Hopefully she finally got that going around she was promised by Duck. I love that Abe pretended to be a delivery boy, so he could visit her at the office.
Finally, Danny comes across once more with "Last Hired Last Fired". No One even says anything they all just share a knowing look and move on. It not as good as "Don't cry over fish in the sea" but I loved it.

Supporting cast sighting- Richard Beymer from Twin Peaks as Ken's soon to be father in law. I think we'll see more of him.

Two more episodes, sports fans. How will we make it to next summer?

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